Why local business should use Google Local Services Ads in 2024

Google Local Ads Service Platform View
Google Local Ads Services Dashboard ScreenShot

The above screenshot shows the following details about Google Local Ads Services:

  1. Total budget spent: 1,955.53$
  2. Total leads charged: 21
  3. Disputed Leads: 5
  4. Phone calls received: 12
  5. Total Text messages received: 4
  6. Aveage cost per undisputed leads: 87.11$


Google local Ads Platform Disputed Leads Screen Shot

Google local Ads Platform Disputed Leads Screen Shot

The above screnshots shows the dashboard of disputed leads:

Disputed lead phone number

Contact Name

Lead type: Phone or Meaage

Business Category

Service Type

Google Lead Status: Charged or Not Charged

Google Lead Received Date


Google Local Ads Services Platform Call Recording Screenshot

Google Local Ads Services Platform Call Recording Screenshot

The above screenshot shows the Google lead recording dashboard:

Lead Summary includes

Google Lead Status

Lead Type:

Business Category

Customer Name

Customer Email


Conversation recording and its date

Google Local Ads, part of Google’s advertising services, is specifically designed to help businesses reach local customers and drive foot traffic to their physical locations.

Best part is that if these leads are not qualified, you will get back your $$ but in the case of Google Ads, Google will not give or issue you refund.

This service is particularly beneficial for small and medium sized businesses that operate in specific geographical area.

Targeted Local Advertising:

Google Local Ads allow businesses to target potential customers in a specific area.

This means ads will be shown to users based on their location, which is particularly useful for businesses like restaurants, retail stores, or service providers that have a physical presence.

Integration with Google Maps:

One of the key features of Google Local Ads is their integration with Google Maps.

When users search for a particular service or product in their area, businesses using Google Local Ads can appear at the top of the search results in Maps, making them more visible to potential local customers.

Pay-Per-Click Model:

Like other Google Ads, Local Ads usually operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model.

This means businesses pay each time a user clicks on their ad.

This can be more cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods, as businesses only pay for actual engagement.

Customizable Campaigns:

Businesses can customize their local ad campaigns based on various criteria like location, type of service, target audience demographics, and more.

This customization ensures that the ads are relevant to the people who see them, increasing the likelihood of attracting genuine customers.

Performance Tracking and Analytics:

Google provides tools to track the performance of Local Ads. Businesses can see how many people viewed their ad, clicked on it, and took action (like visiting the website or getting directions to the store).

This data helps in refining ad strategies for better performance.

Local Service Ads:

A specific type of Local Ad is the “Local Service Ad,” which is aimed at service providers like plumbers, electricians, tutors, etc.

These ads require the service provider to be vetted by Google and often include features like customer reviews and ratings.

Mobile Optimization:

Given the significant usage of mobile devices for local searches, Google Local Ads are optimized for mobile platforms, ensuring that ads are effectively displayed on smartphones and tablets.

Budget-Friendly Options:

The platform offers various budget options, making it accessible for small businesses. Companies can set their own budget caps to ensure spending doesn’t exceed their financial limits.

Google Local Ads are a powerful tool for businesses aiming to enhance their local presence and attract more customers from their immediate geographical area.

They provide a targeted, measurable, and cost-effective way to advertise to local audiences.

Google Local Services Ads (LSAs) offer a platform for businesses to connect with potential customers in their local area through a verified and trustworthy advertising service.

These ads help businesses across various industries showcase their services directly to consumers searching for them on Google.


Home Services

  1. Plumbing: Find trusted local plumbers to fix leaks, unclog drains, and handle all plumbing needs.
  2. Contracting: Connect with local contractors for home renovations, repairs, and building projects.
  3. Moving: Hire reliable moving companies to assist with local and long-distance moves.

Business Services

  1. Lawyers: Discover experienced local lawyers for legal advice, representation, and consultations.
  2. Accounting: Locate professional accountants for bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial planning.
  3. Real Estate: Find reputable real estate agents to buy, sell, or rent properties in your area.

Health Services

  1. Dentist: Book appointments with local dentists for cleanings, fillings, and oral health care.
  2. Optometrist: Schedule eye exams and get prescription glasses or contact lenses from local optometrists.
  3. Primary Care: Connect with primary care physicians for routine check-ups and general medical care.

Learning Services

  1. Preschool: Find quality local preschools offering early childhood education programs.
  2. Tutoring: Hire tutors for personalized academic support and learning assistance.
  3. First Aid Training: Enroll in first aid training courses to learn essential life-saving skills.

Care Services

  1. Child Care: Locate trusted child care providers and daycares for your children’s needs.
  2. Pet Training: Find professional pet trainers to help with obedience and behavior training.
  3. Animal Shelter: Discover local animal shelters for pet adoption and volunteer opportunities.

Wellness Services

  1. Massage: Book relaxing massages with licensed therapists in your local area.
  2. Yoga Studio: Join yoga classes at local studios to improve flexibility and mindfulness.
  3. Personal Training: Hire personal trainers for customized fitness and workout plans.

Beauty Services

  1. Aesthetician: Schedule appointments with aestheticians for skincare treatments and facials.
  2. Hair Stylist:  Find skilled hair stylists for haircuts, coloring, and styling.
  3. Lash Extensions: Get professional lash extensions for a glamorous look from local experts.

Automotive Services

  1. Mechanics: Connect with certified mechanics for vehicle repairs and maintenance.
  2. Installers: Find installers for car audio systems, alarms, and accessories.
  3. Body Shops: Locate body shops for collision repair, paint jobs, and car restoration.


Google Local Services Ads offer verified business listings, customer reviews, and direct contact options to help consumers make informed decisions and find reliable local services quickly and easily.

Call Us Today To Schedule Free Consultation 850-218-5072

Ada Bowman

Ada Bowman

Digital Marketing Expert

As the innovator behind the scenes, I weave digital magic into marketing strategies, creating engaging narratives that resonate with your audience. With a blend of creativity and analytics, I craft campaigns that not only drive results but also tell stories that captivate. Let’s embark on a digital journey together and unlock the true potential of your business!